
#birthdayfest2014 : Monday is for magazine contests

I love magazines. No really… I LOVE them. As a kid, my grandparents would gift our family a subscription to National Geographic every single year. And each month that it arrived, I would rip off that silly plastic bag and just dive into it flipping through to see all the photos. And we saved them like the gold that they were… for when it’d come in handy for a school report or to reference later on when you wanted to read up on something.

In high school, when I had down time in my free periods, you’d find me flipping through the 1985 issues of Seventeen in the periodical archives upstairs, or reading the latest Sports Illustrated or Newsweek that showed up on the shelves. And when I moved out on my own, I took advantage of every single magazine deal I could find! And guess what… I’m still a little obsessed. So much so that Mr. M has to throw out the piles of old ones when I’m out of the house so I don’t shed a tear for my hoarding ways.

So for the first gift of #birthdayfest2014 … I present a gift that I was given that I still look forward to devouring each and every month:

Saveur Magazine

For me, it’s like National Geographic and Bon Appetit all in one. It’s recipes, but travel and journeys and explorations and fun of food all in one too. I won’t get to check off all of the endless adventures on my bucket list, but this probably takes care of a lot of them with the photos and amazing recipes from all over the globe.

So, dear friends, here’s how you can win a 1-year subscription to SAVEUR…

1. Leave a comment below sharing your favorite magazine

2. Tweet the following, “It’s #birthdayfest2014 with @kim_michelle this week! I just entered Monday’s contest and you should too!” and come back and leave a comment that you tweeted with your twitter handle.

I’ll draw the winner for the contest using a random comment picker on Monday, May 5th!  May the contest odds be ever in your favor!