

Today marks my fateful US Presidential-threshold birthday… which means I’ve probably disappointed my 1st grade teacher by not getting my campaign efforts together in time. And since I’ve let another female candidate for office steal my groundbreaking candidate thunder for 2016, I figured I’d celebrate with you guys instead! After all, it never hurts to appease your base and rally the troops for a 2020 run, eh?  Oh what the heck… I think I’ll just throw my political science and policy degrees to the side and party like it’s 1999 (and I’m 19 again)!

#BirthdayFest2015 means time for another fun 5 day fest of giveaways of “favorite things” to celebrate my birthday! As always… it’s just me passing along things I love to the lovely folks (aka. YOU!) who take the time to visit this little space here!

We’ll start tomorrow… see you then!
