• Bloggy

    transition: when does a woman become a mother?

    Amy is a wonderful spirit and presence in the virtual world, which means she must be pretty darn sparkly in person as well. Well, then I watched her episode of Secrets from a Stylist and read about her eating Spaghetti-O’s…

  • Bloggy

    transition: changing more than just clothes

    Talda was one of my first commenters back on weddingbee (October, 2006 people!), and is probably one of the bestest peeps you could ever hope to find on the ‘net. She lives in the SF Bay, loves her baseball like…

  • Bloggy

    transition: becoming an early bird

    Michelle is a wonderful friend from the interweb that became an amazing real life friend when I moved to Northern California and she forced me to meet up with her and another knottie and eat Mexican food.  Anyone should be…

  • Bloggy

    transition: the seasons

    Hello there! I’m Michelle from quinnette and I’m more than happy to keep Kim’s seat warm while she enjoys some much deserved sun and sand. When Kim reached out to me to do a guest post she mentioned the theme…

  • Bloggy

    guest blogging week: transition

    Dearest buddies… You may have heard (because you saw me shouting it aloud on twitter or perhaps heard me mumbling things about mojitos under my breath for the past 2 months), but Mr. M and I are currently away on…