• crafty,  homey

    create your own solar lantern

    It’s getting to be that magical time of the year where the warmth of the sun is enjoyed long after the sun sets, and the cool Delta breeze makes its way into the valleys. I might complain about the 100+…

  • crafty

    fortune-ate Valentines

    This year, I’ve seen lots of friends struggle with what kind of Valentine’s to create for or with their kiddos. The standard paper ones found at your local store that we coveted and passed out as kids are seen as…

  • crafty

    curated boxes of creativity and fun

    My latest cringe of #Pinterest jealousy?  All those “365 days of activities/crafts/etc.” kits that awesome moms have prepared for their kiddos, in some sort of awesome teacher meets mommy’s living room way. As a former teacher, I know just how…