• lovely

    it’s better when you play together

    Excuse me for the small amount of text that will appear in this blog post. My right hand is suffering from clicker-hand… which is very similar to Wii-bow but just simply comes from smashing too many buttons with too much…

  • lovely

    i need hair tutorials

    I’m the worst at hair. And by “at hair,” I simply mean doing anything with it that someone would consider a style. I only learned to frenchbraid my hair out of necessity (basketball/softball in the ‘90’s required it), and I…

  • lovely

    pop! goes Disney

      For Christmas, I got my own superhero to protect me when Mr. M was away. It was a POP! Superman. He was cute and little and just the sort of fun collectible gift we like to exchange. Then, just…

  • lovely

    the cutest moment to date

    Last night, Miss L and I had a “girls night” together just laughing and playing and giggling through dinner and bedtime. The current nighttime (and non-bath night) routine is as follows: playing, dinner, downtime with TV/movie (10-15 min), change into…