• family

    so now that I’m a toddler…

      I’m eating up everything in sight… and trying new foods without even a second thought about what they might be. I especially like to eat what Mom and Dad are having, although that spicy taquito and those Japanese biscuits…

  • family

    kids songs: part 1

    Baby M is addicted to kids music. I mean, she loves music in general, but she is somehow insanely perky when a “kids” song pops on the radio. I’m not sure if it’s because they play a lot of music…

  • saavy,  yummy

    the plans for the meals

    I think I first shared my meal planning worksheets (the ones I print from Russell and Hazel) over two years ago. And guess what? I still use them weekly to plan out dinners! Here’s this week’s planning list. I love…

  • crafty

    saying i love you with a banner

    . Some days you just need a little banner to brighten things up! That’s why I made this one. Mr. M is pretty darn sick, and he was quite the trooper this weekend bustling our family around from point to…