wild about the mustard flowers
There was something extra magical about this year’s mustard flower blooms in Northern California.
Back to Hogwarts on September 1st
While the kiddo’s away, you’ve got to mess with her stuff, right? This time it’s a Harry Potter redo of her room, which we hadn’t touched since before she was born. A post shared by Chris M (@thewrongmonkey) on Aug…
summer in the UK: Castles and Crypts
This summer, after months of planning, and more than a couple of years of hoping we’d get across the pond sooner than later, we were finally off on a 2-week family trip to England! Day 4: Tower of London &…
Summer in the UK: A Day at Wimbledon
Wimbledon was a "MUST DO" activity for our UK trip and it absolutely lived up to all of the hype! Read about our full day from the Queue to Court 2!
Summer in the UK: London Shakespeare and Mummies
Our trip to England was off to a fast-paced start with a visit to Shakespeare's Globe within hours of arrival! Then the next day it was off to the British Museum!