she’s running again… but this time it’s for food & wine!
In 120 days… I’m running another one of those half marathon things. And yes, it’s another Disney race. This time it’s the 2012 wine & dine half marathon at Walt Disney World.
Am I crazy? Perhaps. But noticing my level of fitness prior to the Tinker Bell Half marathon and after, I’m greatly in favor of the Kim who was pounding the pavement weekly rather than the one who’s enjoying sleeping in and the a/c on a hot summer afternoon.
Am I racing or just running? Well, I’ll try to beat my own clock during this night race and see what happens. Now that I know what to expect and what my body can handle, maybe I’ll try to push a little harder. But in all honesty, it was nice being able to finish that distance at the easy pace I set for myself and then spend all day at Disneyland after. This time around the race starts at 10pm and I’ll end sometime the next day… so at least I’ll get to sleep a little before I have to be “up and at ’em” at a theme park!
Am I doing this just for the bling? Yeah probably. I’ll be excited to grab that extra Coast-to-Coast medal as my 3rd and frame it on the wall. But maybe I’m doing it for the grub at the party that goes until 3am! Maybe that will actually make me run faster… ??
So there you have it. Another race. Another 18 weeks of training. Another pair of shoes to run into the ground. And another good excuse to visit a Disney park! (Did you know that my entry fee is pretty much covered due to the HUGE discount on the park tickets we can buy?)
And I guess I should plan out some sort of creative running costume to tie into the theme, but I have a feeling my options are limited. Remy? Chef Louis? The Swedish Chef? Hmm… maybe I’ll just stick to a sparkle skirt.
Check in with me in November and see if I’m happy about all of this. If I am, then I’ll keep up the running. If I’m not… maybe I’ll just stick to silly 5k Color Runs?
(p.s. the 2013 Tinker Bell Half filled up already … so I won’t be racing it next year … are you???)

I think it is awesome that you are doing another race! I really think finding a fun race is the key to being excited about it. Best of luck!
I’m on the 5k only world but I think a Disney half would be fun. But I agree, I liked the shape I was in much better when I was training for a half.
My friend is running it! and blogging about it – she and her mom are Disney race fiends (http://www.werundisney.com/). Say hello on the course :)
Looks like I might never catch up to them & their pace – but definitely following!
You are awesome. I wish I was a runner but not even food and wine will get me going or help my poor knees. Good luck with the training!!
So excited for you! Being in running shape is the absolute best thing ever :) It is awesome that you get to run through 3 parks instead of just 2 parks like in the WDW half in January. Can’t wait for the pictures and the post-race food report . . .
Yay! I’m so excited about this. A great friend of mine, Sarah, is also super involved in the marathons and she is doing this one as well. You can find her at runningatdisney.com! :) Good luck with your training. Sarah is always trying to make me run one of these and I just don’t think I can do it quite yet. I’m sad. I’m scheduled to go down to Disney in September (Sarah is running the Tower of Terror then) and we will miss each other.
Some day we will unite as Disney fans!!!
1) I’ve been dying to do this race since forever – I’m totally jealous!
2) Are you doing the color run? If so, are you bringing Miss L? I’m doing it down here in November and trying to figure out if the little guy should be included. Something about being spattered by paint makes me think not so much.
That’s awesome you’re doing another half! Congrats!! I remember your early Tinkerbell postings about attempting the first, and now look at you! Rockstar!
This sounds fun! Good for you :) Is it at Disneyland or World? You said Disneyland, but the map looks like WDW. Regardless, have fun!
I wish I could do a half-marathon, but I’m just better at running 4 miles a day than anything long!! :D