• family

    magical forts

    Miss L has a fort. Well. More like a pop-up castle that was gifted by Grandma & Grandpa L. And she’s got a pop-up house at Grandma & Grandpa M’s house as well! But it has quickly become her space:…

  • family

    of bows and bands…

    If you’ve ever shopped for kid’s clothing, you’ll know that those stores make their profits off of their accessory lines. Matching bows and clips and socks and shoes. Wallet burning cuteness that you just can’t seem to pass up. But…

  • family

    oldies but goodies (kids songs part 3)

    At 2.25 years old, Miss L loves her music more than ever! She gets to sing each day during circle time at school, dance at the end of the day, and we sing at least 2 songs each night before…

  • family

    cut tomatoes or ride a bike?

    I was in the middle of cutting tomatoes on Monday night for that night’s dinner pizzas. I felt a tap on my leg, which quickly became a full on body hug from the munchkin. “Mommy! Let’s ride bikes!” “Miss L……