
I was hiding from the Keebler elves

The grocery store is a dangerous place for a hungry girl… especially our super favorite grocery store that’s like a culinary wonderland! Bread baking in the oven, fresh cheese samples out next to some ridiculously awesome new type of salami, and all kinds of bakery goods too! So I try to limit my trips to the store to the occasions when I have a list… and I seek out and pass only the things I need.
And my list never has cookies on it. Because if cookies are in the house — I will eat them. For breakfast and dinner and maybe, just maybe, 1st/2nd and 3rd dessert.
But Mr. M was under the weather today, so I went down the cookie aisle in search of some comfort cookies for him. It was then that I realized I had somehow missed the whispered gossip in the domestic cookie rumor mill… and I was not a better person for it.

Because what did I find????




Keebler is selling Samoas/Caramel Delites under the name “Fudge Shoppe: Coconut Dreams“…

… AND Tagalongs (under the name “Fudge Shoppe: Peanut Butter Filled”) too!!!!


Now, here’s the deal. Keebler has MADE these cookies and packaged them for the Girl Scouts to sell since 1936. And they’ve sold their Grasshopper (aka. Thin Mint) cookies for quite awhile too. But now…. this! This is like the magical trifecta of Girl Scout goodness year round! And I don’t have to keep extra boxes stored in the freezer for a rainy day!!


I’m only sad for the little girls who yearn to sell insane amounts of cookies for silly stuffed animals or troop incentives… like I did back in the day… but my tummy is ridiculously happy now! And if you knew this secret… and didn’t tell me… you’re in oodles of trouble!!!


  • Disgruntled Julie

    As a former Girl Scout as well, this makes me pretty sad! The whole reason behind the cookies was that you could only get them from cute little girls, and only once a year, so you better stock up! I wonder if this means that sales will plummet significantly, since people can buy them whenever they want, rather than waiting months for them to arrive.

  • Laura

    I might have to try that. With the way that Girl Scout cookie prices go up every year this a pretty nice alternative.

    I totally have turned into “that person” that annoyed me when I was a little Girl Scout. The one that says “When I was a Girl Scout the cookies were only $2.50 a box…”