• lifestyle

    we’re excited for NORM OF THE NORTH

    This post was sponsored by Lionsgate as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. “Momma! When do we get to go see the Polar Bear movie??? The one where he goes on an adventure and saves the world?” I…

  • kimmy

    resolutions for 2016

      In looking forward at 2016, I’m not looking for anything super different. Just more of the little things. And for the start of the year, I’m just going to put two things out there: Move more. I found myself…

  • kimmy

    Triple-Dog-Dare Christmas 2015

      We triple-dog-dare you to have a happy holiday season! Holiday Movie Themed Card #6: A Christmas Story Past Movie Themed Christmas cards: 2104: ELF 2013: It’s a Wonderful Life 2012: Home Alone 2011: How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2010: Gremlins

  • geeky

    a star wars gift for every type of star wars fan

    While some families are counting down the days until Christmas, my family is happily counting down our early Christmas present: the next Star Wars movie! And if you’ve got someone in your family who is doing the same, chances are they’d…